68 000 analyses with OPSIS LiquidLINE KjelROC Analyzer

We are more than happy to announce that Lovochemie, a.s., the largest producer of fertilizers in the Czech Republic, since May 2015 has managed to do more than 68 000 analyses with OPSIS LiquidLINE´s KjelROC analyzer.
Lovochemie, a.s. is the largest producer of fertilizers in the Czech Republic and its production program has markedly contributed to the development of Czech agriculture. Currently, Lovochemie focuses predominantly on the production and sales of nitrogen and on multiple ingredients of fertilizers, both solid and liquid.
Lovochemie strongly emphasizes the quality of its products. The whole production and sales process is certified according to ČSN ISO 9001:2009. Due to the company's consideration of the environment the company is also ISO 14001 certified and has a Responsible Care certificate.
In the photo from left to right: Ing. Adam Pospisil, Lovochemie, and our local Manager Ing. Bohuslav Dusek, SKA-TEC, in front of the KjelROC Analyzer. To the right – a screenshot of the service menu showing the number of analyses since May 2015.