

Total fat includes both the free and bound fats in a sample. For food the most commonly used method to determine total fat is using the Weibull-Stoldt method, which includes a boiling with hydrochloric acid prior to the extraction. The Acid boiling will digest proteins and release the bound lipids.

The OPSIS LiquidLINE HydROC Hydrolysis unit provides an easy and safe system for the complex and hazardous process of boiling in hydrochloric acid. The clever bag technology provides an easy transfer of samples from the HydROC, to drying in the oven and subsequent extraction in an OPSIS LiquidLINE SoxROC extraction unit.

Hydroc Hydrolysis Liquidline 1000X550pxl

The HydROC Hydrolysis Unit

The OPSIS LiquidLINE SoxROC Extraction Unit is based on Randall and Twisselmann techniques, using hot solvent and a closed system for optimal analytical conditions, still giving the same results as the classical and well accepted Soxhlet. During the first period, boiling, the thimble with sample is immersed in the boiling solvent. Thereafter a controlled volume solvent is collected in the receiver flask, thus lowering the solvent surface in the extraction cups below the thimble. Extraction continues, with the rinsing phase. Hot solvent vapours surround the sample and simultaneously condensed solvent washes out any remaining extractable matters (fat).

At the end of the extraction the solvent is removed in a step by step process, leaving the cups with only extractable matters (fat/ lipids). The cups are dried and weighed, the percentage extractable matters (fat) is calculated.

The HydROC unit will help to to do a safe and reliable Hydrolysis.

Hydroc Hydrolysis Unit Liquidline 1000X550pxl


We offer a state-of-the-art product for hydrolysis.

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